30 research outputs found

    Modelling Uncertainty in Physical Database Design

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    Physical database design can be marked as a crucial step in the overall design process of databases. The outcome of physical database design is a physical schema which describes the storage and access structures of the stored database. The selection of an ecient physical schema is an NP-complete problem. A signi cant number of eorts has been reported to develop tools that assist in the selection of physical schemas. Most of the eorts implicitly apply a number of heuristics to avoid the evaluation of all schemas. In this paper, we present an approach, based on the Dempster-Shafer theory, that explicitly models a rich set of heuristics |used for the selection of an ecient physical schema | into knowledge rules. These rules may be loaded into a knowledge base, which, in turn, can be embedded in physical database design tools.

    TOPYDE: A Tool for Physical Database Design

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    We describe a tool for physical database design based on a combination of theoretical and pragmatic approaches. The tool takes as input a relational schema, the workload defined on the schema, and some additional database characteristics and produces as output a physical schema. For the time being, the tool is tuned towards Ingres

    On the Selection of Optimal Index Configuration in OO Databases

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    An operation in object-oriented databases gives rise to the processing of a path. Several database operations may result into the same path. The authors address the problem of optimal index configuration for a single path. As it is shown an optimal index configuration for a path can be achieved by splitting the path into subpaths and by indexing each subpath with the optimal index organization. The authors present an algorithm which is able to select an optimal index configuration for a given path. The authors consider a limited number of existing indexing techniques (simple index, inherited index, nested inherited index, multi-index, and multi-inherited index) but the principles of the algorithm remain the same adding more indexing technique

    E-learning as a Vehicle for Knowledge Management

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    Nowadays, companies want to learn from their own experiences and to be able to enhance that experience with best principles and lessons learned from other companies. Companies emphasise the importance of knowledge management, particularly the relationship between knowledge and learning within an organisation. We feel that an e-learning environment may contribute to knowledge management on the one hand and to the learning need in companies on the other hand. In this paper, we report on the challenges in designing and implementing an e-learning environment. We identify the properties from a pedagogical view that should be supported by an e-learning environment. Then, we discuss the challenges in developing a system that includes these properties

    A Framework for the Automation of Air Defence Systems

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    The need for more efficiency in military organizations is growing. It is expected that a significant increase in efficiency can be obtained by an integration of communication and information technology. This integration may result in (sub)systems that are fully automated, i.e., systems that are unmanned, including unmanned vehicles. In this paper, we focus on the automation of air defence systems, in which integration of communication and information technology is a major issue. We propose an architecture, in which each weapon system has the capability to control itself, whilst acting in a co-ordinated manner with other systems. To realize this task, a weapon system is exactly informed about the activities of all other weapon systems. In our architecture, the role of the men is reduced to the supervision of weapon systems

    On The Automation Of Physical Database Design

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    SHARVIND: A Genetic-Based Data Mining Tool

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    Design and Implementation of a Genetic-based Algorithm for Data Mining

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